Monday, June 29, 2009

Gerber Cheeto Face

It is fitting that my child would LOVE a cheese-based snack food.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Gwen's Blessing

Kimmie made Gwenny the most beautiful blessing dress AND Andrew gave her the most beautiful blessing! It was a wonderful day (December 28, 2008). We had a fun gathering after the blessing at Andrew's parents house. The food was amazing and we had so many friends and family to share in the special day with us! Adam and Liesel (Andrew's sister and our brother-in-law) were here from New York. My brother Adam, his wife Brandi and their two boys were also able to come from Pocatello for the weekend. My Aunt Julie and cousin Lindsey were also in town, so we had a fun group. The antique button on Gwen's dress is one that Kim took from a dress of our Mom's. My aunt Pennie's final touch was the elegant blanket she made that you can see behind Gwen. It was so special to have this gift from Aunt Pennie, she always makes us feel so loved in our dear Mother's absence. And last but not least, my dear friend poofy took these beautiful pictures for us.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Faithful Green Rocket

As many of you know I spent the last 9 years driving the above pictured automobile. I LOVE this car. Last week I sold this car. We purchased a beautiful black Honda Pilot, which I am very pleased with. We had no use for my green rocket upon purchasing the new car and decided that our best option was to sale it. I listed it for the KBB recommended price and we were happy, and a little shocked that we were able to sale it for exactly that, even with the 212 K miles!! The sale of my green rocket put us in a position to buy some new furniture for our living room and dining room. We purchased our home last August and have slowly furnished it over the past months. We are really happy with the way the living room/dining room have come together!

You will notice Anderson Cooper on our new TV reporting the death of Michael Jackson today. Mounting the TV to the wall was a stressful task (mostly for Andrew, but watching/assisting can be stressful also!). After some careful calculations we determined the right spot for the TV. I can now get the dishes done and watch Oprah/Ellen at the same time! The TV can swivel around in many different directions.

The table is our favorite piece. Andrew comforted me when we left rocket with her new owners by helping me to picture our table as rocket in a new form. The table will be with us for many years and happy memories will be made while we gather as a family and with friends around it. It pleases me to know that the table came in part because I finally let rocket go!

I like pears!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Catching Up

I have given a fair amount of thought to re-opening our lives to a blog. Our first attempt at a blog failed. We posted two or three times and really never caught the blogging bug. I have decided however that a blog is an efficient and fun way to document what you have happening in your life. Until recently I thought Facebook was a good enough way to share our happenings, but have since re-evaluated and decided it's not the best documentation tool. I also have been known to mock what I refer to as "unhealthy blogging". In efforts to avoid this and being a hypocrite, I will promise here and now to refrain from posting anything that is a.) highly emotional/religious b.) of a controversial political nature c.) anything that is annoying/intense that you don't really care to waste your time reading about should you visit our blog.

Now that we have our Gwen here there is a lot to document, so that's what I hope to do, document our life as a family. I may occasionally share some of my personal thoughts/feelings and ideas because that's also something I believe you ought to do if you are attempting to keep an electronic journal so to speak. I would rather call this my electronic journal, not my blog, but I guess I will just call it my blog because I am going to stop living in denial about a blog being a blog. So, look forward to some posts from time to time. If I sent you word of our new blog it's because I LOVE LOVE LOVE you. My next post will include highlights from: Gwen's birth and first few months, Father's Day 2009, our new car, plans for our upcoming trip to NYC, discussion of our family reunion with my family, and our new furniture. It's been an exciting week. If anyone (Chris Heyman/Bonnie) reads this and then mocks me for choosing to blog to document our life, I will be forced to block you from enjoying my posts.